Tag Archives: public nusiance

More on how to ride the Metro


Don't Play your Device w/o Earphones!

My darling dears –
DC Metro has very graciously posted signs with rules for a reason. DO NOT play your iPod or iPod type device without your earphones! Who in the world do you think wants to hear your music, news, movies etc.? NO ONE – but you my dear! I saw an older man on the Metro the other day, he was viewing a car chase movie on a portable DVD player without ear phones!  What an ass…there is no fool like an old fool.

Darling dears, please  listen to your dear sweet Mimi and don’t be a public nuisance.

Love & hugs until next time-

For children 11 – 17 years old


My darling dears –

Mimi has got to tell you that it is NOT cute to cuss loudly in public!

No one under the age of 18 should be cussing any damn way. Before the age of 18 you don’t really even know what the hell you’re cussing about!  You’re just trying it out to see how it sounds because you have heard other folks do it and you think it makes you look grown up. Well you need to know right now that you’re NOT yet grown up, so shut your filthy mouth!

I am old enough to cuss but I try not to unless it is absolutely necessary to make my point and I am so old that I make up the rules and can break them if I want to.

Love and hugs until next time –

your dear sweet Mimi

How To Ride The Metro


My darling dears, when using public transportation in major cities like NY or Washington, DC – try to remember these three simple rules to prevent yourself the combined traumatic experiences of getting cussed out in several languages and possibly being bitch slapped into oblivion as well.

1.)If when riding the train(subway) you have been unlucky enough to not have a seat and find yourself stuck in the doorway, do your best to stand aside as passengers exit to prevent yourself from being elbowed to death before being trampled to smithereens.

2.)If you are fortunate enough to have a standing room only spot in the aisle, do not and I repeat for emphasis, DO NOT EVER lean your buttocks against the seat of a sitting  passenger. The behinds of strangers against one’s shoulder or any where near one’s facial area without invitation is deemed highly offensive in most cultures! AND it’s just plain rude! This offense merits a hard, loud, ugly back handed bitch slap and your dear sweet Mimi won’t be able to save you sugah…Ooh, chile – just don’t do it!

3.)Finally to the boyish young men and old men of some major cities: I realize that you may not have had the benefit of one bit of home training. Mimi understands and wants you to know that it is never to late to learn better manners, baby.  So please be kind enough to offer your seat to anyone of any race who is any combination of the following; elderly, disabled, pregnant, or a crying child. Pretending that you do not see them will not make them disappear!  Oomph, oomph, oomph…I’m shaking my head –  listen to your Mimi sugah, it’s never too late to grow up and be a man with good manners!

Love and hugs until next time –